Mitchell School Hours
Office Hours
The Main Office is open daily from 7:00am - 3:30pm.
Regular Student Hours for Grades K-5
8:20am - 2:45pm
(Breakfast available for purchase 8:00am - 8:20am)
Early Release Day Hours for Grades K-5
8:20am - 12:15pm
(Bag lunch available for pre-order)
Arrival Information
All students should arrive at school between 8:05am and 8:20am. Upon arrival, they should enter through the front door (Brookline St. entrance), right-side playground door (Door #5) or back door (Tower Ave. side) and go directly to their classrooms. There will be no adult supervision on the playground before school. Please note that students will be marked tardy if they are not in the building by 8:20am.